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Welcome to CDCB2012
[ Time:2012-11-08 12:20:59 | Hits:5710 ]


3rd International Conference on

Cellular Dynamics and Chemical Biology



Visualization of specific molecules and their interactions in space and time is essential to delineate how cellular dynamics are orchestrated and how signaling circuitry is rewired in response to extracellular cues. Elucidation of molecular circuitry of cellular dynamics requires nano-scale imaging with chemical probes. In addition, rewiring the pathogenic signaling circuit requires exquisite tools of small molecules. This quest requires synergism among chemistry, photonics, biology and medicine.


This conference will exhibit the recent advancements in molecular illustration of cellular dynamics and pathogenic signaling circuitry, and explore synergistic effects across several disciplines. Our goal is to foster interactions between investigators from different disciplines who share a common interest in understanding the mechanisms-of-action research at nano-scale and exploring intervention of pathogenic signaling circuit.


We will highlight advances in chemical genetics, biophotonics, structure biology, and systems biology. In order to share expertise from a variety of perspectives, we have invited prominent international researchers from related fields to gather in Hefei. The conference will entertain plenary lectures, invited talks and preselected abstracts.


We look forward to seeing you in CDCB2012!






Yunyu Shi & Xuebiao Yao

CDCB2012 Organizing Committee


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Address: Laboratory of Cellular Dynamics, University of Science & Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230027, China
Tel: +86(551)3607141, 63607821 Fax: +86(551)63607141 Email: USTCLCD@ustc.edu.cn or xgao@mail.ustc.edu.cn